Monday, January 15, 2007

Week 1 and 2 of 52: Recap

So the first two weeks of the new year, and already I've slacked. I ran three times in the two weeks, missing my goal by three runs. Oh well. It's been a nice change not to feel the added pressure of making all my miles and eating exactly perfectly, but I definitely do feel the difference in my body and my stress levels. Experimenting with my routine always opens my eyes to what goes into making me a happy, healthy human. Unfortunately for lazy old me, I really need to get at least three workouts in a week or I'm pretty miserable. The trickiest part is realizing that the misery during the workout is short-lived, whereas the misery of not working out lasts all week.

My back has been killing me recently and I think it's the extra weight I put on over the holidays plus the money stress that I seem to carry in my shoulders that's bringing me down. Then as I was getting dressed just a few minutes ago to go on a hike, I think I twisted a little wrong and I have a big ache in the middle of my back. I hate being 30.

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