Friday, March 21, 2008

Bruised knees and ego

I went for a horrible run tonight. I felt sluggish and off the whole way. I always sprint my last block and a half and tonight just as I fell out of pace I caught my foot on one of the many cracks in the sidewalk and took a gigantic fall. A lady walking by tried to help by telling me to be careful. A little late, lady, a little late.

I'm icing my knees and hoping my old body can recover.

2.1 miles

walk 3.69 miles

2.1 miles

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Daylight Savings Time

DST plus a 15 minute early departure from work made it possible for me to run in the actual dusk, which meant everyone and their vicious dog was out for a stroll.

I'm getting a little bitter about dog owners and the dogs they can't seem to control. I'm frustrated because Lula when faced with a dog growling and snarling at the end of a poorly controlled too long leash obviously reacts. I don't know what to do other than run in my old neighborhood.

3/18/08 - 2.1 miles
7 sets lunges
3 sets leg raises

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


There's this dog on our run that is behind a fence with semi wide bars. This dog runs out and chases after us every time we go by. I thought this dog was totally harmless just in for a bit of a chase, but the last two runs I've been on Cujo has reached out and tried to bite Lula, last night he made contact.

I spent the rest of the evening examining Lula's face for puncture wounds and I haven't seen any. I'm sure the dog isn't rabid, I just wish the dog wasn't so vicious. If it happens again, I'm going to have to write a letter, I think. A stern one.

3/14/08 - 2.1 miles

3/17/08 - 2.1 miles

Friday, March 14, 2008

To be honest

I walked a mile each way to the bar. Where I drank and ate a cheese burger and fries. But, it was a mile each way, and I did walk pretty fast because if my neighborhood at 7pm is a little scary, it's super scary at 11pm.

I also went for a not as brisk walk at lunch time. I'm going to try to add that in when weather permits. I hate sitting around sweaty for the rest of the afternoon, so it's going to have to be a miracle summer of cool weather for it to happen often. Fingers crossed!

3/13/08 - 3 miles walk

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Walk in the park

I've been a little bored with running by myself. Words two years ago I never thought I'd hear myself say. So I offered to go running around the reservoir with Catherine to change it up. I'm really familiar with that run, and I feel comfortable enough with my slow pace now not to be embarrassed by running with someone. Catherine did not feel the same way. She has the problem I had two years ago. She doesn't want to run with anyone. So we walked. I needed a little break from the Koreatown.

It was a gorgeous night. The jasmine was so thick in the air, it felt like we were being tricked. All in all, it was great. I hope I can convince her to run it sometime soon.

3/12/08 - 3.7 miles walk

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hip update

I don't know if it's because I've been running more miles with less intensity, or because I added a Calcium supplement back into my routine or if it's because I'm doing more with my workout than just running, but my hip that was killing me after workouts is now only slightly bothersome. I'm going to look into going to a Yoga class soon, but I really hate sitting still so I have a hard time actually committing to doing Yoga.

3/11/08 - 2.1 miles
3 sets arms
a couple of push-ups
a few sit-ups

It's hard doing floor work with Lula around. She likes to sit on me or next to me or behind me. It's cute and annoying all at the same time.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

With a little help from the Skinny Mirror

This whole running/eating less/trying harder thing really seems to be working. While the scale continues to puzzle me because the me I'm seeing reflected in the mirror seems thinner, I am feeling pretty good about myself. I have to keep reminding myself that it's not the number on the scale it's the number of cat calls you get while running. I'm telling you, my neighborhood is seriously the best place to run if you're looking for a little positive reinforcement shouted to you from a passing car blaring mariachi music.

Skinny mirror

3/8/08 - 2.1 miles

3/10/08 - 2.1 miles
6 sets lunges

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Friday I'm in Love

If one ever doubts the possibility of never being able to have sex again, one should go running on a Friday evening. There was much hooting and hollering. Nothing like a self esteem boost on a lonely Friday night.

3/7/08 - 2.1 miles

Friday, March 07, 2008

Friendly Push

I was feeling seriously unmotivated last night and while I was on the phone with Catherine I told her to tell me if I should run or if I should slack. She merely said, "You will feel better if you run." I knew she was right, so I did.

I've been a little in the gutter these past few days and it's a complicated mix of knowing that Louie is in New York hanging out with people I absolutely adore and that we are no longer together to go on trips like that coupled with the fact that I might have to cancel my Belize trip for lack of funds. I'm still trying to figure it out.

3/6/08 - 2.1 miles
6 sets lunges

Monday, March 03, 2008

The Usual

I ran by my new favorite bar tonight. I wanted to stop and have a drink. Instead I'm drinking Bailey's and coffee. This is going to seem like a bad idea when I can't get to sleep in two hours.

3/3/08 - 2.1 miles
6 sets lunges
sit-ups. several.