Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hip update

I don't know if it's because I've been running more miles with less intensity, or because I added a Calcium supplement back into my routine or if it's because I'm doing more with my workout than just running, but my hip that was killing me after workouts is now only slightly bothersome. I'm going to look into going to a Yoga class soon, but I really hate sitting still so I have a hard time actually committing to doing Yoga.

3/11/08 - 2.1 miles
3 sets arms
a couple of push-ups
a few sit-ups

It's hard doing floor work with Lula around. She likes to sit on me or next to me or behind me. It's cute and annoying all at the same time.


Beth. said...

Yoga looks so hard.

Tamara said...

Yoga looks so boring.

trinity67 said...

Yoga, is wonderful. But it's not for everyone.

Tamara said...

I think I should definitely try it again with a better instructor, Trinity, because my memory of it is not good.