Sunday, April 20, 2008

catch up

I can't believe I left that post up for so long. I have some runs to record, but have zero recollection of them, except for Friday's and this morning's runs.

4/1 - 2.1 mile run
4/2 - 2.1 mile run
4/3 - 3.69 mile walk (reservoir with Catherine)
4/4 - 2.1 mile run, 15 minutes of this terribly annoying Pilates tape that I have no intention of ever repeating.

4/8 - 2.1 mile run
4/9 - 2.1 mile run, 10 minute pilates tape, buns and thighs. (Note: I hate it when exercise tapes call my ass 'buns,' I find it very twee and annoying. Why can't they say ass and thighs?)
4/10 - 2.1 mile run

(Here's where I took a week off smoked a shit load of cigarettes, sunk into a bit of a post vacation depression and drank too much. Yay!)

4/18 - 2.1 mile run, 10 minute pilates tape, ass and thighs (back in the saddle, but it was a ROUGH run. I cursed myself quite a bit for the smoking. Cough.)
4/20 - 2.1 mile run (This morning I put on my sports bras and tennis shoes thinking I would need the extra support for a hung over walk with Lula, but as soon as I stepped outside I realized what I really needed was a good hard run. So I did. And now I feel nice and smug. Which is one of my favorite feelings to feel.)

1 comment:

Beth. said...

Why can't they say ass and thighs?

Solid question. Because they can still call me a bitch on TNT.

Yay for smug, lady.