Monday, March 20, 2006


Scheduled: 26.2
Actual: 26.2
RPE: 7

I have a long post planned for this, but there are some highlights I want to remember right now.

Running the first four miles it's hard not to get caught up in the excitement and out run yourself. People are passing you, and you want to keep up, but you listen to your weeks of training and pace yourself.

The first eight miles are as easy as your 5 milers usually are. The excitement is still there and you know you've got a lot left in you.

Hearing people you don't know shout out your name is really amazing. I wish I had that in my every day life. Just walking down the street having someone say, "You can do it, Tamara!" would make me a lot happier person.

The halfway point sort of made me depressed. I knew it was going to feel that way because I know how hard running 18 miles is, but I was depressed nonetheless.

The Salonpas site at mile 18 was heaven. I don't know if what they spray on you really works, but it gives your brain the idea that you can finish. Only 8 miles to go.

Seeing my friends and boyfriend at mile 19 was so awesome. I didn't think I wanted people there to cheer me on, but I was so happy to see them, and I felt so good that mile that it was just... amazing.

It's true what they say about the last 6 miles being the last half of the marathon. I had to walk a bit those last six miles. Not as much as I wanted to, but I did walk. There was so much pain. My left foot was numb from the pad of my foot to my big and pointer toe. I thought I was doing permanent damage. My knees were in agony, but I just kept moving. Kept struggling through.

Crossing the finish line was so incredibly emotional. When the tiny woman put my medal on I got a little choked up. I haven't ever felt acheivement in that way. I usually just let success go unrewarded, but this... this felt like I... I don't know, like my work paid off, like I deserved a medal. Amazing.


JQ said...

YOU TOTALLY DESERVE A MEDAL. You are very inspiring!

Tamara said...

thanks, jq!