Saturday, January 05, 2008

Jalepeno Artichoke Dip

Last night Tara came over and she brought some cheese, crackers and dip. In my crazy food dreams, that would be what heaven served, with Veuve Cliquot champagne and Honey Moon Viognier. So, tonight I pushed my run a little harder and went a little farther than I normally do, which incidentally is when I decided that would be a good New Year's resolution for me.

1/5/08 - 2.8 miles


Daphne said...

Dip is good. I just found your running blog! My friend and I are going to do the San Francisco Bay To Breakers in May so I have to get trainin', myself. I ran one marathon a few years ago, hurt my knee, have been a half-ass runner ever since. So I'm looking forward to reading about your runs and staying motivated. :)

Beth. said...

Ooo. Veuve Cliquot. My COO gifted me a bottle of that last year. Mmm. Every bit of the preceding sentence: Mmm.

I think I'm going to copy your resolution in some form.