Tuesday, January 08, 2008

To the library

I had to return some books yesterday to the library and was going to run them over, but with Lula and the books and my already awkward running stance, I decided to just walk briskly and then run on the way back. It translates to a little over a mile each way, so I feel like I kept up my end of the 'try a little harder' bargain.

Then when I got home I did three sets of ten lunges on each leg. I'm going to try to add some more weight training/muscle building stuff like this as I go along.

I have a wealth of exercise knowledge that is going unused and I'm going to slowly add it on to the end of my nightly workouts. I used to love going to my personal trainer back when I lived in Arizona, but that is a luxury I can no longer afford, so I'm going to just do it myself and imagine her long red braid and her skinny freckly arms showing me proper form.

1/7/08 - 1.1 miles jog, 1.1 miles brisk walk, 3 sets of 10 lunges each leg


Beth. said...

I remember you walking into my ASUW place of work once, all in your workout clothes.

I was so impressed. I wished I were so motivated and not a 14. I'm doubly impressed now that I know there was a trainer involved.

Tamara said...

Wow, I walked around in my workout clothes? I'm embarrassed, because I have a feeling it was some big t-shirt with shortie leggings and ridiculous socks type combination. I was so motivated back then because I caught a glimpse of my ass in khaki pants walking by one of the buildings with the reflective windows on the side, and thought, 'who's ass is that?' then realized it was me. I'm such a dork.

Beth. said...

I had the same experience in my beige Gap chinos one day. I did. Totally the same.

You were wearing running shorts and a workout tank. You looked fabu.