Saturday, February 09, 2008

The things in your neighborhood, just your typical Saturday night

We had a major deadline this morning that kept me at work from 7:30AM to 10:30PM yesterday, so I didn't get a run in last night. It was disappointing, especially since I had the requisite stress meal of a Whopper with cheese, French fries and to cancel all that out, a Diet Coke.

So I worked this morning and came home, read my trashy book on Mary Kay Letourneau, and took a three hour nap interrupted by the happenings on my crazy ass street. At one point I think I heard my landlord chasing some people off our front steps. How they got in our gate to sleep on our steps, I have no idea.

I woke up and needed a run. I didn't expect to see people passed out on the steps of the building two doors down, much less a couple of people handcuffed and being patted down by police one block over and two blocks down. I ran down 3rd street for a block before I had to abandon that idea. I was the only person in a sea of humanity moving faster than a snails pace and at one point, I was surrounded by tiny Central American men, they were trying to move out of my way, I was merely trying to move, and Lula was trying to get tangled up with a meter, a telephone pole and clearly distressed by the amount of obstacles she was being met with. Not the least of which the constant temptation to eat the errant chicken bones in the street. Twice I had to shove my hand in her mouth and pull out a chicken bone. If that doesn't make for an exciting run, I don't know what would. It's all a matter of perception, those things didn't make me feel unsafe. They just make me feel like I'm living in Los Angeles. I was just happy the cops didn't appear to be shooting anyone or beating them with billy clubs.

2.3 miles

One set of my old trainers crazy sit-up routine
5 sets lunges.

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