Thursday, October 19, 2006

Thursday, Oct. 19th

Distance: 2 ish
Weather: moderate, dark
Pace: Fuck if I know, I ran for 24 mins. 50 secs.

I don't know why I get so frustrated about not knowing how far I've run or how fast I went, but it really irritates me that I can't figure out how long that stupid track is.

It was a good run, despite all that. I didn't get any cramps (heh, I typed that 'craps' first... which, would be horrible...) and I still pushed myself a little harder than normal. This time instead of sprinting the back curve, I just 'picked it up'. Anyway, I feel good about the work out.

I've somehow managed to gain weight in the last week, and I'm really hoping it's just that body change that happens when you're rebuilding muscle and not quite shedding the fat. It's frustrating because I don't feel like I've been terrible about what I've been eating. Oh well. I just have to keep an eye on it I guess.

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