Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Week 1 of 18: 3 miles (1)

Distance: 3 miles
Course: 1 mile on track, 2 miles rolling hills
Weather: Crisp/Chilly, Dark
Pace: 11.16 per mile

Honestly, I don't believe the pace on this one. I know it's not actually that fast in the grand scheme of things, but for me, this is a good one.

I got some serious, uterus clawing it's way out of my stomach cramps on mile two and I slowed way down, and almost considered calling it a draw and coming home half way through, but I kept going and just let the pain run with me. After about a quarter mile I just had a stitch so I was able to push it again and came home at a super fast speed.

Great way to start the training.

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