Scheduled: 3
Actual: 3
RPE: 3
I ran completely without my iPod on this day. It was so weird hearing my own breathing. My form felt funky, but I really worked on it and my breathing and the miles flew by.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Week 1 (Part 3): Run 4
Scheduled: 5
Actual: 5
RPE: 4
I ran on Saturday morning. The day was gorgeous. Clear sky, beautiful views of the mountains, crisp breeze. I ran with my iPod, but dropped it off at my house on the way by. Brought water with me (which is totally doable and am glad I did because it made my run so much more pleasant). I felt so good after this run that I started thinking ahead to the marathon, and knowing that I can probably do it. I will survive it.
Actual: 5
RPE: 4
I ran on Saturday morning. The day was gorgeous. Clear sky, beautiful views of the mountains, crisp breeze. I ran with my iPod, but dropped it off at my house on the way by. Brought water with me (which is totally doable and am glad I did because it made my run so much more pleasant). I felt so good after this run that I started thinking ahead to the marathon, and knowing that I can probably do it. I will survive it.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Week 1 (Part 3): Run 3
Scheduled: 3
Actual: 3
RPE: 3-4
There is nothing more satisfying than running Thanksgiving morning. You feel so self righteous. It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining, but there was a chilly breeze. I ran with my iPod, but it was the beginning of the end of that I think. As these runs get longer I might feel badly about giving it up. But during my daylight runs, it seems a shame to miss out on the sounds of the morning.
Actual: 3
RPE: 3-4
There is nothing more satisfying than running Thanksgiving morning. You feel so self righteous. It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining, but there was a chilly breeze. I ran with my iPod, but it was the beginning of the end of that I think. As these runs get longer I might feel badly about giving it up. But during my daylight runs, it seems a shame to miss out on the sounds of the morning.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Etc.: How I am doing this
JQ asked in the comments below if I'm reading any kind of book to train. And, the answer is yes. I'm reading "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer." It's a 16 week training program designed not to increase your speed or make you a super athlete, but to take the average non-runner and make them a marathoner.
The training is mostly about distance you need to run, but it also gives invaluable information on how to achieve those distances.
I have a 4 mile run tonight, and while I'm kind of dreading it, because it's my Friday, I'm also glad that I have this small bit of structure in my life right now.
Happy Thanksgiving!
The training is mostly about distance you need to run, but it also gives invaluable information on how to achieve those distances.
I have a 4 mile run tonight, and while I'm kind of dreading it, because it's my Friday, I'm also glad that I have this small bit of structure in my life right now.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Week 1 (Part 3): Run 2
Scheduled: 4
Actual: 4
RPE: 3
I don't remember much about this run, it's been so long ago, but I think it was pretty decent.
Actual: 4
RPE: 3
I don't remember much about this run, it's been so long ago, but I think it was pretty decent.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Week 1 (Part 3): Run 1
Scheduled: 3
Actual: 3
RPE: 3-4
Running on the track is kind of awesome and kind of the worst thing ever. But let me start at the beginning.
I got home last night starving. I think my stomach stretched a bit from all the eating I did this weekend and I couldn't wait to snarf down leftover chicken, stuffing, potatoes and corn casserole. Then I put on my pajamas and made like I was not going to run. "Fuck it," I thought to myself. I don't have to do anything. I'll run when I want to. I got under the covers and watched Desperate Housewives and Related. Which is when I decided to get up and go for a run.
Now, running on the track has its goods and its bads. Goods, flat terrain, soft surface, easy run. Bads, sometimes I forget which lap I'm on (twice it happened last night), sometimes there are people hovering behind me, pacing me (I'm super slow, I don't know why anyone would want to pace me) and sometimes it's super boring. That aside, I do like the track. I like having other runners around. It makes me feel more safe. And I like that it's close to my house. I can run 3 miles without having to run 3 miles away from home. Last night for some reason I could not keep track of which lap I was on. I was working on my breathing and my form and every time I'd round the start bend I'd think, "Was that 7 or 8? Shit." So, I ran until I'd run 32 minutes because I wasn't sure if I was really counting right and when I finished three miles in under 30, I was sure I'd screwed up. I have no idea what my point was.
Also I ate a shit load of Peanut M&Ms yesterday. I felt really guilty about it. Hopefully the cravings for food are going to settle soon.
Actual: 3
RPE: 3-4
Running on the track is kind of awesome and kind of the worst thing ever. But let me start at the beginning.
I got home last night starving. I think my stomach stretched a bit from all the eating I did this weekend and I couldn't wait to snarf down leftover chicken, stuffing, potatoes and corn casserole. Then I put on my pajamas and made like I was not going to run. "Fuck it," I thought to myself. I don't have to do anything. I'll run when I want to. I got under the covers and watched Desperate Housewives and Related. Which is when I decided to get up and go for a run.
Now, running on the track has its goods and its bads. Goods, flat terrain, soft surface, easy run. Bads, sometimes I forget which lap I'm on (twice it happened last night), sometimes there are people hovering behind me, pacing me (I'm super slow, I don't know why anyone would want to pace me) and sometimes it's super boring. That aside, I do like the track. I like having other runners around. It makes me feel more safe. And I like that it's close to my house. I can run 3 miles without having to run 3 miles away from home. Last night for some reason I could not keep track of which lap I was on. I was working on my breathing and my form and every time I'd round the start bend I'd think, "Was that 7 or 8? Shit." So, I ran until I'd run 32 minutes because I wasn't sure if I was really counting right and when I finished three miles in under 30, I was sure I'd screwed up. I have no idea what my point was.
Also I ate a shit load of Peanut M&Ms yesterday. I felt really guilty about it. Hopefully the cravings for food are going to settle soon.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Week 1 (Part 2): Run 4
Scheduled: 5
Actual: 5
RPE: 5
I had a really tough time on this run. Cramping around mile 1.5 (again. I must be pushing too hard in that first mile...) and then I started to feel really thirsty (It was 90 degrees out. In NOVEMBER!) and then I got the chills. Which, I'm no doctor, but know that's not the best thing to be happening to your body when you're exercising in the heat. So I slowed way down, still running, and instead of going into the park I went up Riverside along the I-5 (not recommended).
I survived, but honestly, I was beat. My feet were tore up and I wanted to quit. I have to figure out how to keep my feet from shredding every long run, and also how to carry a water bottle with out wanting to fling it away from me at the first sign of trouble.
Actual: 5
RPE: 5
I had a really tough time on this run. Cramping around mile 1.5 (again. I must be pushing too hard in that first mile...) and then I started to feel really thirsty (It was 90 degrees out. In NOVEMBER!) and then I got the chills. Which, I'm no doctor, but know that's not the best thing to be happening to your body when you're exercising in the heat. So I slowed way down, still running, and instead of going into the park I went up Riverside along the I-5 (not recommended).
I survived, but honestly, I was beat. My feet were tore up and I wanted to quit. I have to figure out how to keep my feet from shredding every long run, and also how to carry a water bottle with out wanting to fling it away from me at the first sign of trouble.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Week 1 (Part 2): Run 3
Scheduled: 3
Actual: 3
RPE: 3-4
I ate before I ran. That was a mistake. Also, I'm out of bandaids so my feet kind of bothered me.
Five mile run on Saturday! Woo!
Actual: 3
RPE: 3-4
I ate before I ran. That was a mistake. Also, I'm out of bandaids so my feet kind of bothered me.
Five mile run on Saturday! Woo!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Week 1 (Part 2): Run 2
Scheduled: 4
Actual: 4
RPE: 3
This wasn't a tough run. I think my lungs are finally starting to feel the effects of not smoking and it's affecting my run in a positive way. (I have no idea how to use 'effect' and 'affect'.)
I worked on my breathing and my arm form, still very confused about what they're supposed to do, but it's coming along. They feel best, oddly enough, when I drop my arms completely and then slightly bend them at the elbow. So basically I look like a girl I used to watch at the track who I thought ran weird. I would think terrible thoughts about her Seinfeld-esque arms. Like she was some sort of freak. Now, I am the freak.
My iPod continues to plague me. Last night the power died at mile 1.5. I had nothing to keep me from going crazy while running like a hamster on a wheel around that track. The book says I'm supposed to try and be more positive about shit like that. Like if my legs start to hurt, I'm supposed to think, "Hello pain, come run with me." But when my iPod dies, all I can think is, "Goddammit! COME RUN WITH ME BITCH! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!??" And that doesn't seem very positive.
Run tonight: 3 miles
Actual: 4
RPE: 3
This wasn't a tough run. I think my lungs are finally starting to feel the effects of not smoking and it's affecting my run in a positive way. (I have no idea how to use 'effect' and 'affect'.)
I worked on my breathing and my arm form, still very confused about what they're supposed to do, but it's coming along. They feel best, oddly enough, when I drop my arms completely and then slightly bend them at the elbow. So basically I look like a girl I used to watch at the track who I thought ran weird. I would think terrible thoughts about her Seinfeld-esque arms. Like she was some sort of freak. Now, I am the freak.
My iPod continues to plague me. Last night the power died at mile 1.5. I had nothing to keep me from going crazy while running like a hamster on a wheel around that track. The book says I'm supposed to try and be more positive about shit like that. Like if my legs start to hurt, I'm supposed to think, "Hello pain, come run with me." But when my iPod dies, all I can think is, "Goddammit! COME RUN WITH ME BITCH! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!??" And that doesn't seem very positive.
Run tonight: 3 miles
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Week 1 (Part 2): Run 1
Scheduled: 3 miles
Actual: 3 miles
RPE: 3
I had a pretty easy run last night. I worked on my form (which I've been reading about) and my breathing. The arm form is the one I'm confused about. Basically, I used to run like a girl, but I once read this millitary training book and got into the habit of running like a marine. Now I'm hearing that I will tire more easily if I run like that, so they're sort of suggesting I return to running more 'loosely' which means now, I'm running like a girl again.
No run tonight.
Actual: 3 miles
RPE: 3
I had a pretty easy run last night. I worked on my form (which I've been reading about) and my breathing. The arm form is the one I'm confused about. Basically, I used to run like a girl, but I once read this millitary training book and got into the habit of running like a marine. Now I'm hearing that I will tire more easily if I run like that, so they're sort of suggesting I return to running more 'loosely' which means now, I'm running like a girl again.
No run tonight.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Week 1: Run 4
Scheduled: 5
Actual: 5
RPE: 4
Louie was so sweet this weekend.
The end.
Just kidding.
Not about him being sweet. Oh, nevermind.
My car's tripometer is broken. So I can't really get a good idea of how far things are while driving in my car. I can round up or down, but not be exact. And I am all about being exact for this running thing. God forbid I run an extra tenth of a mile, or even worse run less than I'm supposed to. (Actual, let's be honest running more, way worse than running less.) So I told Louie he had to drive me around and help me find a 5 mile running route. Which he did. Sweetly. Even when I started yelling about THE LIST OF THINGS HE'S NOT ALLOWED TO DO! (It appears in all caps in my brain. Quitting smoking has been so AWESOME!) Louie gets the gold star this week.
There was a point on my run that I got cramps so badly I thought I was going to crap my pants. Thankfully, I did not.
Tonight: 3 miles. Cursed track.
Scheduled: 5
Actual: 5
RPE: 4
Louie was so sweet this weekend.
The end.
Just kidding.
Not about him being sweet. Oh, nevermind.
My car's tripometer is broken. So I can't really get a good idea of how far things are while driving in my car. I can round up or down, but not be exact. And I am all about being exact for this running thing. God forbid I run an extra tenth of a mile, or even worse run less than I'm supposed to. (Actual, let's be honest running more, way worse than running less.) So I told Louie he had to drive me around and help me find a 5 mile running route. Which he did. Sweetly. Even when I started yelling about THE LIST OF THINGS HE'S NOT ALLOWED TO DO! (It appears in all caps in my brain. Quitting smoking has been so AWESOME!) Louie gets the gold star this week.
There was a point on my run that I got cramps so badly I thought I was going to crap my pants. Thankfully, I did not.
Tonight: 3 miles. Cursed track.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Week 1: Run 3
Scheduled: 3
Actual: 3
RPE: 4
I think I've reached the point at which I'm sufficiently sick of running on the track. I tried to switch it up last night by running two miles the normal way, and the third mile the other way around. But that didn't help much.
I'm going out with Louie to find some routes around the neighborhood.
Saturday's run: 5 miles.
Actual: 3
RPE: 4
I think I've reached the point at which I'm sufficiently sick of running on the track. I tried to switch it up last night by running two miles the normal way, and the third mile the other way around. But that didn't help much.
I'm going out with Louie to find some routes around the neighborhood.
Saturday's run: 5 miles.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Week 1: Run 2
It was raining. I was tired. I now have a brand new blood-blister on my right big toe that looks like a fat tick. Of course, I wore flip-flops today to work. Everyone should see the glory of my tick-toe.
Scheduled distance: 4
Actual distance: 4
RPE: 4-5
A couple of you wondered what RPE stands for, it's from the book I'm using to train, it's Rate of Perceived Exertion. It goes from 0-10 with 0 being no exertion and 10 being Maximal Exertion. I really need to get a heart rate monitor, but I'm hoping Santa might come through on that one for me.
Today I have to run 3 miles.
Scheduled distance: 4
Actual distance: 4
RPE: 4-5
A couple of you wondered what RPE stands for, it's from the book I'm using to train, it's Rate of Perceived Exertion. It goes from 0-10 with 0 being no exertion and 10 being Maximal Exertion. I really need to get a heart rate monitor, but I'm hoping Santa might come through on that one for me.
Today I have to run 3 miles.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Etc.: Um. HA!
Quitting smoking, I don't know, gave me ADD.
I was just reading something, and I opened a new browser window because I was sure I needed to look at something else. But...couldn't remember what that was. A fraction of a second had gone by and I had no idea why I was looking at a new browser window.
Also. I just went down to the gross candy dispenser in the copy machine room. It's one of those put a quarter in, turn the knobby thing, and flip up the metal doo-hickey to retrieve your candy type-machines And snarfed down two handfulls of Peanut M&M's that I'm pretty sure are circa 1922. But! I didn't smoke a cigarette.
So... lack of focus, check.
Inability to remember things, what?
Rotten candy, check.
I was just reading something, and I opened a new browser window because I was sure I needed to look at something else. But...couldn't remember what that was. A fraction of a second had gone by and I had no idea why I was looking at a new browser window.
Also. I just went down to the gross candy dispenser in the copy machine room. It's one of those put a quarter in, turn the knobby thing, and flip up the metal doo-hickey to retrieve your candy type-machines And snarfed down two handfulls of Peanut M&M's that I'm pretty sure are circa 1922. But! I didn't smoke a cigarette.
So... lack of focus, check.
Inability to remember things, what?
Rotten candy, check.
Week 1: Run 1
So, I officially started the marathon training last night.
Scheduled Distance: 3 miles
Actual Distance: 3 miles
RPE: 4
(those stats are for me)
I had a long talk with Allie about the LA Marathon (she ran it 2 or 3 years ago) and she gave me a little boost, saying, "You could totally do it. Not that it's easy, but if you're training, you could totally do it." So, yesterday I started. I ran 3 miles and thought I was going to die. The pack a day habit is over. Starting.... NOW! I didn't have my usual 3-4 cigarettes on the way to work. I thought about that 4-5 times. So that wasn't so bad. Louie is in for a treat! I might be cranky, but I won't taste like cigarettes!
Tonight I will be running 4 miles.
Scheduled Distance: 3 miles
Actual Distance: 3 miles
RPE: 4
(those stats are for me)
I had a long talk with Allie about the LA Marathon (she ran it 2 or 3 years ago) and she gave me a little boost, saying, "You could totally do it. Not that it's easy, but if you're training, you could totally do it." So, yesterday I started. I ran 3 miles and thought I was going to die. The pack a day habit is over. Starting.... NOW! I didn't have my usual 3-4 cigarettes on the way to work. I thought about that 4-5 times. So that wasn't so bad. Louie is in for a treat! I might be cranky, but I won't taste like cigarettes!
Tonight I will be running 4 miles.
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