Monday, November 14, 2005

Week 1: Run 4

Scheduled: 5
Actual: 5
RPE: 4

Louie was so sweet this weekend.

The end.

Just kidding.

Not about him being sweet. Oh, nevermind.

My car's tripometer is broken. So I can't really get a good idea of how far things are while driving in my car. I can round up or down, but not be exact. And I am all about being exact for this running thing. God forbid I run an extra tenth of a mile, or even worse run less than I'm supposed to. (Actual, let's be honest running more, way worse than running less.) So I told Louie he had to drive me around and help me find a 5 mile running route. Which he did. Sweetly. Even when I started yelling about THE LIST OF THINGS HE'S NOT ALLOWED TO DO! (It appears in all caps in my brain. Quitting smoking has been so AWESOME!) Louie gets the gold star this week.

There was a point on my run that I got cramps so badly I thought I was going to crap my pants. Thankfully, I did not.

Tonight: 3 miles. Cursed track.

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