Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Etc.: Um. HA!

Quitting smoking, I don't know, gave me ADD.

I was just reading something, and I opened a new browser window because I was sure I needed to look at something else. But...couldn't remember what that was. A fraction of a second had gone by and I had no idea why I was looking at a new browser window.

Also. I just went down to the gross candy dispenser in the copy machine room. It's one of those put a quarter in, turn the knobby thing, and flip up the metal doo-hickey to retrieve your candy type-machines And snarfed down two handfulls of Peanut M&M's that I'm pretty sure are circa 1922. But! I didn't smoke a cigarette.

So... lack of focus, check.
Inability to remember things, what?
Rotten candy, check.

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